Sustainable ideas for living spaces wanted: "A³ Immobilien Award" starts its second edition

Affordable housing is in short supply, while at the same time construction and renovation must become more climate-friendly, and preferably even more cost-effective: in its second edition, the "A³ Immobilien Award - sustainable ideas for tomorrow" organised by Regio Augsburg Wirtschaft GmbH is looking for future-oriented ideas and visionary project developments focussing on (affordable) housing. The second application phase started June 4th, 2024.    

Together with the local real estate industry, the regional economic development agency Regio Augsburg Wirtschaft GmbH organises the award the second time round throughout Germany, Austria and Switzerland in 2024/2025. The award was developed together with the agency Wächter. Eva Weber, Lord Mayor of the City of Augsburg, remains the award ambassador.

Following the successful debut in 2023 with a wide variety of project submissions from all over the German-speaking world, the focus of the second stage is on the topic of (affordable) housing, explains Andreas Thiel, CEO of Regio Augsburg Wirtschaft GmbH: "The balancing act between affordable housing and the requirements of sustainability and climate protection poses major challenges for many property players. This is why innovative solutions are more in demand than ever, which we want to publicly recognise and promote with the award." 

Gruppenbild der Preissieger von 2023
2023 freuten sich Hanna Bonekämper (Siegerin Nachwuchspreis), Thomas Quisinsky (Projektleiter Henn GmbH, Sieger „Neubau“ Hauptkategorie) und Christian Bodensteiner (bodensteiner fest Architekten BDA Stadtplaner PartGmbB, Sieger „Bauen im Bestand“ Hauptkategorie) zusammen mit dem Auslober, der Schirmherrin und den Laudatoren über den Preis. (Bildquelle: Regio Augsburg Wirtschaft GmbH/Christian Strohmayr)

Built visions of living for tomorrow

The award is dedicated to individuals, companies or organisations that have driven forward real estate project developments with a focus on (affordable) living space in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, which are characterised by an outstanding innovative building idea, a sustainable and resource-efficient approach, particular social relevance or forward-looking architecture, without losing sight of economic viability. Whether rotating houses that follow the light of the sun, smart homes, vertical villages, modular living solutions, floating houses, micro-living or responsive homes - the award is looking for projects that provide inspiration for the future.

The "A³ Immobilien Award - sustainable ideas for tomorrow" focuses on two categories: a broadly diversified main category, divided into the subcategories "New Construction" and "Building in Existing Contexts", and a secondary category, the Young Talent Award, which is aimed at the movers and shakers of tomorrow (students and professionals of the future).

Who can apply?

"With this award, we want to reach architects, experts in real estate development and urban planning as well as associations and organisations. The award in the secondary category is open to young professionals under the age of 30 who have made a name for themselves with particularly innovative and future-oriented ideas and thus bring added value to the 'living and housing of tomorrow'," emphasises Andreas Thiel.

Detailed information on how to apply can be found online at

Munich, 19th June 2024